Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

California’s Video Game Court Battle

Posted on | April 27, 2010 | Comments Off

She knew our country was at war. A close friend was in Iraq right now. She knew California was having trouble with it’s money….but that didn’t surprise her given who the Governor was. She understood the need for safety labels and protecting children from violent content. OK, fine. But she did not see how California’s video game court drama had gone all the way to the Supreme Court. Of all the things for money to be spent on. Even a kid (age 16 and very bright mind you) pointed out to her that this was definitely a questionable way to spend funds.

To compare the sales of violent video games to pornography, well, she wasn’t sure she was ready to go that far right.  She agreed small children probably should stay away from some of these violent games. So where were the parents?  Oh this got to be a sticky situation didn’t it?  Whatever side one was on, was this how the money should be spent by a state so far in crisis that IOUs were issued out?  Having visited the state, she also knew road work must have come to a complete halt because the highways of potholes were like navigating a mine field.

She thought about the 16 year old…and how HE knew the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, and the name of every weapon used during WWII along with a myriad of other facts about the war. How did he know so much about the war?  From his research and gathering information while designing and creating his own video games. (Yes, he is a brilliant kid.)

She wondered how this would end. She had to assume to someone this was very important. Someone felt their child had been harmed by these video games. She then wondered what kind of parent… oh nevermind. It was obvious she was biased on this subject. She really wondered what other more important things could have been funded, instead of doing this right now, like feeding the homeless, getting jobless people back to work or fixing potholes before whole cars were lost. . .


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