Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

The Mall Pt. 2

Posted on | April 24, 2010 | Comments Off

She shivered just thinking of the humiliation of it all. The multiple trips to the fitting rooms. Not to mention the war zone conditions the fitting rooms were in. One room even had what appeared and smelled like infant feces on the floor. She herself certainly wasn’t in terrible shape, but like every woman, there were things about her figure she wished were different. She certainly didn’t conform to the runway model mold. She remembered as a little girl asking her mom when she’d get that hour glass shape and her mom explaining that she wasn’t built that way. Such disappointment.

After determining that black was again the color to wear because it wouldn’t clash with dresses of the other prominent women in attendance of the same event, and because she liked walking around looking like the undead, she did end up with a dress. It was not something she normally would have chosen style wise and she was hesitant to say the least as she stared at it hanging in the doorway.  She had a few more weeks to find an alternative but she could still hear her shopping companion comment about the battling of dresses in photos were she to get a print instead of basic black. 

She had a purse, she had some shoes. She’d figure out the jewelry which had to be spectacular and the hair…well…after that last cut she wasn’t sure how much of an up do could be done but those gals could do amazing things with hairpins and spray glue. She’d be stunning. Maybe. This dress was…a bit…ruffle-ish. It was flowy. It was funeral-esque if you asked her, but what did she know. This was the East Coast and they did things differently on the West Coast where she came from. Whatever. It wasn’t her event.

She thought how easy it was for the men. Buy a suit.  Buy a few shirts, a few ties. So simple.  She loved Jerry Garcia ties for their vibrant colors and psychedelic patterns.  She picked one up while she was out for a certain 16 year old she knew who was into “blue” and could use a tie. That was the only thing she felt good about on this weird shopping trip full of poop smell and ill fitting garments. Okay maybe not. Maybe this dress she got would be good for her. Maybe she did look good and a new style was a start of something fresh and exciting for her. Ruffles…odd.


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