Butterflies made of iron…
Posted on | April 21, 2010 | Comments Off
Nothing can compare to the song In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, on the album by the same name, by Iron Butterfly. If you think waking up to extremely loud gardening equipment was bad, try waking to this at extremely high decibels in the morning by your father who thought it was a fun way to get the house going on a day you simply wanted to sleep in. All 17 minutes of it. Now I will admit, this is a good one to walk to if you are a walker. Has a good beat, keeps you going, and if anything, you want to walk till the damn song just finally ends. You can’t cheat and get the single version…no under 3 minute version will do. You MUST have the full 17 minutes to appreciate this song. So if you are going to get it, go long. You will appreciate it. It is a classic. Duh Duh…Duh Duh Duh Duh…Duh… Duh… Duh… I am sure you are just feeling that… gotta love the sixties!