But but but…
Posted on | June 8, 2010 | Comments Off
She found it far more interesting to watch HGTV (the Home and Garden channel) and eat chocolate covered raisins than eat the damn elephant. Sure, she found some of the shows inspiring. Seeing other people have their homes transformed, made over and renovated was wonderful. She should probably get on the phone and order a dumpster right now. That would be the most productive. That would solve lots of problems. Just throw it all away.
The problem was taking a rather large room that had somehow become a giant walk in closet and returning it back to a room suitable for guests once again. The bigger problem was her problem with not letting go of things and accumulating too much stuff. Too many projects, too many purses too many shoes too much clutter. Too much in her head, too much in her house. Too much. TOO MUCH.
But she was sentimental. She was making excuses. She should be eating elephant.