Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

A phase of nothing

Posted on | June 6, 2010 | Comments Off

She was going through another nothing phase…wanting to do nothing…write nothing…not even get out of bed if she didn’t absolutely have to. She *thought* it was due to the one medication bringing her blood pressure down too low (too low was kind of ironic after having it high for so long) but after taking a few days off of the medication she still felt lousy but perhaps in a different way. (Lousy with higher blood pressure)

Today was different. She took the medication and now she was in true Zombie form feeling completely blah to the world and destined to accomplish a whole lot of nothing. This was not good as she had to get the house in order. She had even bought herself a lovely bowl to be the centerpiece of her dining table just to inspire her to get it cleared off. That included clearing off the sewing machine that had been taken out of the box but never actually turned on.

She wondered if this year would be any different than the others, if she would clean clean clean and if it would stay clean for any length of time after or if it would slowly find its way back to being a disaster again. She was definitely meant to live in a larger dwelling with more storage space, but she also felt she was meant to have less things. She needed to learn to let go and downsize. She needed to reduce the clutter.

But this was too much talk of what was to happen when it was certainly not going to happen today. Today was a day of nothing happening. Perhaps some thinking and planning of what was to happen, but no happening would take place, unless something unexpected happened.


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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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