Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

What would her dreams be tonight???

Posted on | March 1, 2010 | Comments Off

An uneasy feeling wrapped around her like a foggy morning in San Francisco.  And it stayed with her all day.  She wished she could put a finger on what was really bothering her.  Often times she could sense things before they came to pass, but today was just a general ill feeling one might get if they walked into an abandoned building expecting to find something gruesome.  In fact, she’d give just about anything to be able to get up and walk into an abandoned building at this point, but for now she was trapped in her dark little cave, blinds drawn down with her mood. 

She glanced over at the bookshelf and wondered if she should exchange the novel she was reading for something more in the “self help” category. She should be an expert by now with all the books she’d read.  Now if she could just control the weirdity that was her brain.  Especially when it was time to go to sleep.  There was nothing worse than getting sleepy and then turning out the light and having her head suddenly decide it was time to go 100 miles per hour.  So many things would come to mind, things she really, really didn’t want to think about before bed if ever again.  It could be absolute terror some nights, last night having been up till 0400 dealing with her monsters.

So, tonight would be interesting, with this creepy feeling she had enveloping her all day, and an overly active imagination to sing her a lullaby…


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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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