The Dog (pt 8)
She went to the grocery store with a smile on her face. This was not a common occurrence and under normal circumstances, would cause some kind of alarm bells to go off in some part of the cosmos. She headed straight to the meat section of the store and bought a big juicy steak for […]
“Classic Queen”
She needed something with lyrics to keep her mind occupied today and so she chose Classic Queen, a wonderful collection of Queen’s best. How could you not have a joyous time singing along with “Bohemian Rhapsody?” And in her case, “I’m going Slightly Mad” wasn’t too far from the truth. She loved the movie Highlander so […]
“An Unquiet Mind” By Kay Redfield Jamison
Of all the books I’ve read on bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depression), the most poignant and truly moving has to be that by Kay Redfield Jamison called An Unquiet Mind. What makes this book unique is that the author herself is a Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and […]
The Dog (pt 7)
The morning came quickly and with rain. More rain. She should have known with all the heat and humidity of the last few days it was bound to happen. She got up early and let Doone out without any encouragement from him. She didn’t want him to feel as if it was a burden. She […]
The Dog (pt 6)
So much for good dreams. Dreaming that you have a cut on your arm and bugs coming out of it wasn’t really her idea of “good” and she awoke feeling rather spooked. Doone picked up on this and nuzzled up to her, but she just wanted to be left alone. “I have to go out” […]
“Await Your Reply” By Dan Chaon
Await Your Reply: A Novel by Dan Chaon is the story of Miles Cheshire who longs to find his troubled twin brother, Hayden, who has been missing for ten years. It is also the story of Lucy Lattimore, who sneaks off from her small town life with her history teacher. It is also the story of […]
“Everything Matters” by Ron Currie Jr.
Imagine while still in utero, being informed exactly when the world will end. Would your life even have any meaning? Would you struggle with this or just accept your fate? That is the dilemma for Junior Thibodeau in the book Everything Matters! by Ron Currie Jr. Junior goes through his life and the interactions with family and friends make […]
Tree Envy
She understood when they had to take her tree out due to its “naughty roots” tearing up the driveway that she wouldn’t get a full size tree to replace it. But this “stick” of a tree was really just depressing. It did offer enough shade for a squirrel or other small rodent to hide in […]
The Dog (pt 5)
She woke up to a lick across the face and the words “I have to go out” running through her head. She tried to bury herself under the covers then realized there was a rather large furry animal burrowing under the covers with her now trying to get his nose up under her shirt. “Hey! […]
The Dog (pt 4)
She’d been anxious quite honestly for a long time. Since the arrival of Doone, things had really hit an all time high. It was a different kind of anxiety and she wasn’t sure what exactly was going on. She fidgeted nervously as she glanced over at her SMTWTFS pill box, and wondered if its contents were […]
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