Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

Pink Flowers

The Dog (pt 14)

Doone was worried about his Mistress as she was truly coming unglued by this wedding she had to attend. She wasn’t really fond of social gatherings, especially having spent the last several months cooped up in her room staring out the window feeling sorry for herself. Anxiety alert was on high and Doone was trying […]

Management Update

Be advised: Our heroine is currently coming unglued preparing for the rehearsal dinner which, in fact, is rehearsing nothing (!) except maybe the “party” aspect of the wedding she will be attending tomorrow. She is unable to write at this time. Doone is, however, taking care of the ironing and other assorted tasks making things much […]

The Sewing Machine

She had passed by the box containing the brand new sewing machine for months. She just couldn’t bring herself to open it and get started. It was much fancier than the one she had owned previously, and it had been years since she’d sewn anything. She “had” to have it and when she got it […]

The Dog (pt 13)

She woke up early, frustrated she couldn’t stay lost in dreamland for a little while longer. The smell of breakfast wafted up from downstairs and her curiosity got the best of her and she put on her robe and fuzzy blue slippers and went down to explore. On the table was a breakfast fit for […]

Hat addict

She was going to need a 12 step program for her hat addiction. She wondered what deeper significance this held, her need to purchase new hats at an alarming rate. She was going to single handedly keep Threadmill in business at the rate she was going. She thought her latest find was adorable and she already […]

The Dog (pt 12)

She spent most of the day doing nothing productive…staring out the window…reading a magazine…browsing online but not buying anything. Her head and neck were hurting and her heart was aching but there wasn’t much she could do about either having taken something for pain and finding it didn’t work anyway. The gloomy weather took its […]

The Dog (pt 11)

Doone sat in the sun shining in from the skylight. He knew his mistress was not feeling well and wished he could do something to help. He rolled onto his back and let the sun shine down on his tummy wishing she was there to pet him. But she was up in bed waiting for […]


She sat anxiously waiting. The problem was, she wasn’t sure what she was waiting for. She didn’t think it was as simple as the mail delivery, although she was indeed waiting for some things to be delivered. Something bigger was coming, but she didn’t know what it was, and it was driving her bonkers. “Is […]

Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to anyone out there who is mothering a child, whatever the circumstances may be.  To those who are not with their children on this day, I know it is hard.  To those who have lost their children, my heart truly goes out to you. No one should know that pain.

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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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