Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

The shaking earth beneath us…

Really, really not a “paranoid” person…but starting to not believe the “experts” who are saying none of the geological happenings are related.

Bug Update #2

We are thrilled to announce that no illegal “IT” Bug activity has been detected in the area at this time. This concludes our investigation into this matter and we consider the case closed. Thank you, The Mgt.

Paying it forward…

She’d actually left the house, an errand she had to run and she always made a point of trying to be courteous on the road, hold doors etc.  Sometimes she went above and beyond. Giving details would spoil it, so she wanted to just simply say that she hoped you, her “NOT THERE” readers, would […]

Starry Night…

Van Gogh’s Starry Night had been one of her favorite paintings since childhood. In grade seven, she remembered having to recreate the painting with torn pieces of construction paper. Another project was to recreate the painting by drawing it in white glue and then watercoloring over the dried glue. She knew her mother had kept them both […]

Buying Happiness…

Well, she could finally say she bought happiness. It would arrive in the form of a pendant, an old dictionary definition of the word cut out and captured within glass somehow, but it was “happiness” and she bought it. Would it do something magical once placed around her neck?  Probably not, but it would look […]

Bug Update:

So far, so good. There were no drug seeking “IT” bugs standing outside her doorway looking for a fix. Should the situation change, an update will be posted. Thank you for your interest. The Mgt.

The Dramatic Bug Removal…

Keep writing, keep writing…she was trying. But it was more like, keep shopping, keep shopping tonight. That was, until she saw IT. She wasn’t sure what IT was, other than being a rather large bug. IT wasn’t a spider. IT, thank heavens, didn’t seem to hop. (Had IT hopped there may have been some major […]


Brilliance is in the beauty of the…no wait…beauty is in the brilliance of the of the…no, that isn’t it… If you wake up in the morning in a hotel room with Tweed covered chairs and glance over to the door-less closet to find a Tweed coat in your size and yes, sure enough, Tweed luggage with […]

A lack of self belief…

Ok, there, she said it. She was having trouble believing in herself. She imagined herself on American Idol being told that she had a raw talent but it wasn’t refined enough for the competition and she hadn’t picked the right song.  She had, however,  selected a lovely outfit. Her preparation would pay off in that respect, but nothing […]


P.S. I know you exist in there because I was there when they took the scans.  I’ve seen you. I know where you are. I know where you live. Now help me out!

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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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