Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

MacArthur Park

Another trip down musical memory lane had our heroine’s ipod playing MacArthur Park sung by Richard Harris. The song was first recorded by Richard Harris in 1968. He made it to #2 in US charts which is pretty amazing considering the length of the song and the fact it was about leaving a cake out in […]


Her blue fuzzy slippers had a pebble in them and she sat upon the bench to slip one off and remove the offending stone. She rubbed her foot and replaced the slipper looking around as though she felt she’d been watched. She rubbed her slipper against her shin and sort of tucked them beneath herself […]

The Post Office

She knew she had to get to the post office. She had to because it was April and she had packages that had to be mailed that *technically* were supposed to have been Christmas gifts. Now the recipients of said Christmas gifts were obviously enabling this bad behavior by being so understanding. It was terribly rude […]


She looked inside the closet, but there weren’t any monsters tonight. They must have gone out, she thought to herself.  She looked under the bed, but all she saw was some clutter, some storage containers, a couple old magazines, an empty water bottle and some more clutter but no monsters. They must have gone out as […]

Zero Bravery Lots of Excuses

She wasn’t always the girl with the SMTWTFS pillbox, unable to leave the house most days. She was afraid to look in the mirror as the reflection might make her realize her life was truly wasting away. She used to be someone else, but that person wasn’t here today. Who knows where “she” went. She was […]

Walking through strange places

She took a “walk” of sorts this morning, though she never left her bed. She travelled to a tree outside her window which she passed through without it even opening. It was a beautiful tree with vibrant green leaves and she smiled at the life the color represented. She travelled to a pink azalea bush alive […]


“Good morning Monday.” She thought today was like any other morning, aside from the hiccups, but decided to be gracious and say good morning anyway. She’d recognized a need for gratitude in her life, and it wasn’t just because someone on the Oprah show said so. When you see certain things, you just know you need to […]

Standing at the gates…

She found herself standing at the gates once more. The tall iron was cool to the touch. There was a breeze in the air and the smell of freshly cut lawn. The flowers were, as always, well maintained inside the gate and along the pathways. The benches and the birdbaths lay vacant. The vines climbing […]

Alien Invasion…

Sweet Sunday. And isn’t nature amazing? Doesn’t that photo just make you think things?  It is almost alien in nature. Maybe it is an alien. You never know these days. She definitely thought the neighbor was. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the whole alien thing. Most of the time she felt as if she was […]


She wished for a transformation to ease her pain of “being”… Another form, so the hole she felt could heal and be forgotten. The waves would be smooth, the ride building in intensity until its peak. A fall off a cliff, the splash of a rebirth, she hangs her head and tries to breathe.

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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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