And upon waking…
She decided that she was feeling better. No, she decided she was feeling much, much better. Brilliant!
Worm guy pays another visit
She was already having quite the day. Confetti flying all around she thought…no, that wasn’t it either. She still searched for the perfect analogy to describe her brain in this state but that wasn’t it. She got up to open the window and get some air when she was startled once again by the little […]
Left me undone…
She felt the experiment had been warranted. She thought she would simply fall to sleep last night without “the scary pill” and she would have minimal negative effects today. She had been tired, but her monsters were up to their tricks and she found herself up watching the clock till the very early morning hours. When […]
Fear of the night
It is supposed to take the racing thoughts away… To bring clarity to a cluttered mind…to bring hope. Quickly, it melts beneath my tongue, bitter, numbing, I shiver and gag. I begin to lose control of my body, but not my mind. I feel drugged, I am heavy as if huge weights have been placed upon me. I […]
Out of reach
Sometimes, things are simply out of reach. She remembered as a little girl trying to reach for something on a shelf and no matter how high she stood on her tip toes, how she stretched her little fingers, she just couldn’t get it. In a literal sense, whatever it was she was grasping for, it was […]
So she survived…
She made it to the post office. She made it to the library. She made it to the grocery store. (note: there was a challenge leaving the grocery store as the trunk lid refused to latch but the remedy was to rock the car from side to side. File that one away somewhere in case […]
Butterflies made of iron…
Nothing can compare to the song In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, on the album by the same name, by Iron Butterfly. If you think waking up to extremely loud gardening equipment was bad, try waking to this at extremely high decibels in the morning by your father who thought it was a fun way to get the house going on a […]
Gardeners, new life forms, lots of noise
The sound coming from the gardeners was more like an alien invasion than a simple lawn edging. That had to be the most powerful edger known to mankind. And when the mowers came through, it sounded as if medevac helicopters were racing to rescue poor souls trapped in their overturned vehicles on the nearby parkway, […]
Cabinet full of…
It was a cabinet full of what, she wondered? She imagined it contained something wonderful. The wood spoke to her, its age and craftsmanship apparent as well as its beauty. She had taken a stroll through her mental memory banks to visit it once again… She imagined herself opening the doors and a burst of light […]
Waking from a nap…
She never knew how she’d feel upon waking from an unexpected daytime nap. Sometimes she felt rejuvenated, and other times she felt as though she’d gone a round or two with a professional wrestler and lost. She woke this time having obviously slept wrong on her ear, what she liked to call the “Van Gogh sign.” […]
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