Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

The 8 Track in a cool Datsun

She remembered the car like it was yesterday…a Datsun B210 hatchback…brown…with a stripe…and an after market 8 track player installed by her mom’s friend in a rather odd place since it didn’t seem to fit where it was supposed to go.  The music, well the best music playing was America’s Greatest Hits – History with so […]

Self Destructive Behavior

She really had to stop being so self destructive. At least she could identify when she was doing it and she caught herself before it was too late. This particular case was approximately 3:ooam that morning when she woke to realize she’d gone to bed without taking the “scary pill” again. She went ahead and took […]

Regarding The Ruffled Dress:

Management would like to clarify the “ruffled dress” is more tier like and flowing and not to be confused with something prom like or like the worm’s shirt.  This is important as our heroine needs to be portrayed as having some sense of style and class even if she is a bit loony. -The Mgt

A Worm In Ruffles

She was just settling down after that dreadful trip to the mall when she heard what sounded like a pebble thrown at the window. She glanced over to see her friend the worm guy (yes, a bug) and he was wearing, his usual cowboy hat and a green plaid shirt with ruffles. “Nice dress you […]

The Mall Pt. 2

She shivered just thinking of the humiliation of it all. The multiple trips to the fitting rooms. Not to mention the war zone conditions the fitting rooms were in. One room even had what appeared and smelled like infant feces on the floor. She herself certainly wasn’t in terrible shape, but like every woman, there […]

The Mall

She would surely be eaten by monsters. No good could come of it. She was going to…The Mall. If things went as planned, she would return with a dress. If not, well, she wasn’t sure she’d live to tell the tale. Stay tuned…

Chair update #2:

It would seem the newly assembled chair has had a setback, upon leaning back, a screw has come loose. Which, was no suprise to the new Mom of said chair, because she too had a screw loose.  Repairs were made and we will keep you informed. The Management

Chair update:

It is with great pleasure that we announce the assembly of one brand new office chair. It was a difficult procedure, but Mother and chair are doing just fine. The Management

Some assembly required

Some assembly required, all tools included. Okay. Simple enough. It was an office chair. She’d assembled plenty of office chairs previously when helping out a fledgling vocational school get set up. No problem. Allen wrenches.  All nicely packaged. Each set of screws nicely pouched and identified. Each part nicely labeled and color coded.  This was going to […]

The Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie

During my time of scattered mind, I found that reading was a great way to gather at least some of myself together and focus. I found The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie: A Flavia de Luce Mystery by Alan Bradley to be a novel that really kept her attention because it was, for lack of a better […]

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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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