Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

Management Update

The Management would like to take this opportunity to state that it is well aware California owes its financial problems to a great many sources other than just the current Governor. (Sorry Arnold!) The pothole situation is, however, an enormous problem and one in which all residents should be concerned as they may be swallowed by […]

California’s Video Game Court Battle

She knew our country was at war. A close friend was in Iraq right now. She knew California was having trouble with it’s money….but that didn’t surprise her given who the Governor was. She understood the need for safety labels and protecting children from violent content. OK, fine. But she did not see how California’s […]

Aliens, Worm Guy and Stuff

She lay quietly in bed while Worm Guy rested on the shelf by the window. His rain gear set aside, she saw that he was wrapped up in the washcloth she had given him to dry off with. She didn’t want to know what, if anything, he had been wearing under the rain gear. She […]

Is Worm Guy technically a Bug?

It has been brought to Management attention that Worm Guy may not actually be a “Bug” since he is in the invertebrate category. Ask any child if a worm is a bug and the answer is a resounding “yes” therefore we here at CNM Mgt agree that Worm Guy fits the criteria needed to meet […]

The teacher has the key

It was raining hard, that much was obvious by the sound. The flash of lightening and accompanying rumble of thunder added a touch of drama that all good storms needed. Now all that was needed was a worm in a raincoat. Enter the Worm Guy in a yellow raincoat. The Worm Guy (yes, a bug) stood […]

Smiles cause wrinkles!

She sat with her usual cranky face on.  It wasn’t really a cranky face, so much as a relaxed, expressionless face that some mistook for cranky.  She did her best to let the muscles in her face relax as much as she could.  This is what kept her looking young, she thought. Smiles cause wrinkles. […]


This is entry number one hundred. Hooray. -The Mgt

Update From The Management #2

Management would like to point out that some of those words might actually be gerunds, the -ing form of a verb that functions as a noun.  Management should never appear to be uneducated and neither should our heroine. -The Mgt.

Update From The Management

Apparently our heroine is confused with her verbs as she doesn’t know if she is floating, sinking or spinning. Too many “ing” words whatever the case. Be advised she is not actually floating, sinking or spinning, but could be standing, sitting or. . . nevermind. -The Mgt

Med-Evac My Brain Outta Here

She felt wrong today…perhaps that had something to do with the little stunt of not taking her “scary pill” until 3am.  Hey, better late than never she thought. She was in an uneasy place, a place with gray skies and shallow, rapid breathing. Her mind wasn’t the clutter-fest it would have been had she skipped her […]

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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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