Posted on | April 15, 2010 | Comments Off
So she suddenly found herself strolling once again down memory lane…hit smack in the face with a Whammy! B52′s style. Butterbean
was her favorite song and she remembered clearly being in her girlfriend’s kitchen deciding they would make stir fry while singing and dancing to this record, yes, RECORD. (Album, LP, vinyl…spin…wheeeeeee!) She remembered throwing all kinds of vegetables into the pan and a little this and that. They must have been in grade seven. Her mom had a nicely stocked refrigerator, but there wasn’t a butterbean in sight. It turned out well and she liked to think she made a decent stir fry ever since. Listening, she supposed these people were more drugged then than her meds were making her now. She felt good about that somehow. At least hers were legal. Seriously, who would write a song about butterbeans? Then again, who would listen to it over and over as a kid and then buy it again as an adult on amazon and then write about it? Oh but it’s so much fun. Fun is good. She thought everyone should try it…